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UK Regulator Criticizes Google for ‘Anti-Competitive’ Practices in Ad Services, Accusing the Tech Giant of Abusing Its Dominance

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UK Regulator Accuses Google of Abusing Dominance in Ad Tech

Alphabet Inc.’s Google is under scrutiny from the UK’s antitrust agency, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), for allegedly abusing its dominant position in the advertising technology market. The CMA’s findings could lead to substantial fines and a mandate to overhaul one of Google’s most profitable business segments.

Google’s Alleged Anti-Competitive Practices

In a statement released on Friday, the CMA expressed concerns that Google is leveraging its dominance in the ad tech industry to favour its own services, potentially disadvantaging thousands of UK publishers and advertisers. Google’s ability to collect vast amounts of user data gives it a significant edge in targeting ads, selling ad space, and providing the technology that connects advertisers with publishers.

Using its proprietary algorithms, Google automatically determines ad space availability and pricing as users interact with web pages. Online advertising is a critical revenue stream for Alphabet, generating approximately $225 billion, or about 80% of its total revenue in 2022.

 Impact on Publishers and Advertisers

Juliette Enser, the CMA’s interim executive director of enforcement, emphasized the importance of fair competition in the digital advertising market. “It’s crucial that publishers and advertisers – who enable this free content – can benefit from effective competition and get a fair deal when buying or selling digital advertising space,” she stated.

Google’s Response to the CMA’s Findings

Google has pushed back against the CMA’s conclusions, arguing that the findings are based on “flawed interpretations of the ad tech sector.” Dan Taylor, Google’s Vice President of Global Ads, expressed the company’s disagreement and indicated that Google would respond to the CMA’s allegations.

Broader European and US Regulatory Actions

Google’s dominance in ad tech has also drawn criticism from European regulators. In July 2023, the European Commission issued an order suggesting that behavioral remedies might not be sufficient to address Google’s abusive conduct. This raises the possibility of more severe actions, such as ordering the breakup of Google’s ad tech business from its core services.

Meanwhile, in the United States, the Department of Justice (DoJ) is preparing to face Google in a September trial, where it will argue for the breakup of Google’s ad tech business over alleged illegal monopolization. The DoJ contends that Google’s control over advertising technology allows it to retain at least $0.30 out of every dollar spent by advertisers through its online tools.

Potential Consequences for Google

If the CMA finds Google guilty of wrongdoing, it has the authority to impose a fine of up to 10% of the company’s global revenue. The CMA has stated that it will consider Google’s feedback before making a final decision, which will be determined by a separate panel independent of the preliminary investigation team.

This ongoing investigation highlights the growing regulatory pressures on Google from multiple jurisdictions, which could have significant implications for its future operations in the global ad tech market.


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