About Us

2 min read

ADS team members are open to each and every input and guidance from their peers and also accomplish company goals. Each and every one of the ADS team contributes to special ideas. Let me introduce you to our team:


Sunil Baurai:


Sunil is the Co-founder and Editor-In-Chief at AdvanceDataScience. He has also worked on Innovo Design solution and Maxus Fashion. He is a technology enthusiast (DevOps) and passionate about manual and automation testing and has solid experience with open source, data science, WordPress, and Microsoft azure high throughput, and highly-available environments. He is known for his great instincts, entrepreneurial mindset, and his ability to balance best practices and productivity.




Pavel Syurmakov:

Pavel Syurmakov:

Pavel is a data scientist and developer and Editor/Author at AdvanceDataScience who has more than eight years of experience building statistical/predictive machine learning models, analyzing noisy data sets, and designing and developing decision support tools and services. He joined AdvanceDataScience because freelancing intrigues him, and the best article and people are to be found here.



Yuru Liu:


Dr. Yuru Lui is our lead Editor for the Machine learning front at AdvanceDataScience and has 13 years of experience in the private industry, including team management. She has worked on various projects, including voice, network security, and embedded Linux, which has enabled him to look at problems from a broad perspective. She specializes in using AI and machine learning to enhance the human experience.



Chris Lyles:


Chris is a full-stack engineer with eight years of experience in mobile development and four years of Python development. He will be the new Editor for DevOps and Cloud front at AdvanceDataScience. He is an innovative and highly dedicated software engineer with excellent communication skills. He is known for his great instincts, entrepreneurial mindset, and his ability to balance best practices and productivity.